2011 Movie Trailer Mash-up

It's that time of the year again when we witness the best of 2011 in all its forms. Here's a video that was shared by a reader who very kindly emailed me the link.
2011 Movie Trailer Mashup is by Sleepy Skunk - it is quite heavy on the action films and I must admit I have not watched most of these films and unlikely will, but I do like this video.
You can find the full list of movies here.
The year in movies has stood out for two reasons in my humble opinion. First, it was a year that started with a "Summer Blockbuster" (The Green Hornet) and ended with one (Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol). Studios realized that audiences love car chases and explosions on the big screen as much as butter on their popcorn and every single month in 2011 granted us with a surprising share of intense action.
Second, it was a year of looking back and respecting the essential elements that used to make movies so special. From Drive and Hugo to Super 8 and The Artist, it seems that studios have started acknowledging the missing ingredients in their recipe for success and paid great tribute to the kind of movies that were once (and still are) warm to our hearts.
This end-of-year montage is divided in two parts that attempt to outline and illustrate each of these points through images rather than words.
[Thanks Jessica for sharing this.]