Art and charity show - Resurrection des Mannequins by Sertac Tasdelen

On Wednesday, 5th May, Portfolio Galley will host an exhibition entitled Resurrection des Mannequins - a photography exhibition that will bridge the gap between the worlds of art and charity.
An idea put together by Sertac Tasdelen and curated by Janet Bellotto, Sertac lent his photos from his Résurrection des Mannequins series to artists and supporters of the art and asked them to add their own artistic touch to the photographs. The result of this collaboration will be exhbited and on sale, all proceeds will go to charities chosen by the artists.
Sertac Tasdelen’s Résurrection des Mannequins is influenced by Man Ray who had a series by the same title. Man Ray is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century and his photography was often described as “performance art”. Tasdelen manages to capture that essence in his latest work using mannequins as props in all his pieces.
Sertac Tasdelen is inspired by the effect of urbanization on people and our interaction with one another.
“City life and rapid growth of urbanization has an impact on people and how we interact with one another – our behavior, personality, values and relationships. Being exposed to elevated complexities of the modern city life creates new social bonds and new attitudes toward others, and altering fundamental notions of being and self.
Abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality and existence reveals hallucinations, delusions and social dysfunction, which triggers identity disorders in which a person displays multiple distinct identities and alter egos. When the true self knowledge is attained the illusory personas are realized, and having recognized a sub personality, one suddenly feels naked and defenseless, as if his armor had dissolved. The personal delusion of self can have no real knowledge of truth, because it is not true, but delusive. That was the thought process that inspired Resurrection des Mannequins.”

Yours truly is one of the selected artist to take part in this exhibition, alongside the following:
Ahmed and Rashid Bin Shabib
Asmaa Al-Shabibi
Ayse Arman
Bashar Al Shroogi
Binnaz Gundogan
Gita Meh
Lamya Gargash
Lateefa Bint Maktoum
Özant Kamaci
Rami Farook
Sonia Brewin
Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi
Thomas Lundgren
I am looking forward to seeing everyone's interpretation on the photos. Hope you can join us on Wednesday.
Exhibition details
Date: 5th May 2010
Location: Portfolio Gallery, Street 8, Al Serkal Avenue, Al Quoz
Phone: +971 4 323 2395