Boomer / Gen X Complaints

TV/Film Writer & Director Caroline Renard replied with a series of complaints in a thread and as I was reading them, I was nodding in agreement to them all, and I’d like to add that it would be more accurate to think if them as complaints by Gen Xers. Many today - especially the young’uns conflate Boomers (born between 1946-1964) with Gen Xers (born between 1965-1980) and when they like to talk about ‘older people’ they completely forget about Generation X.  

These are my favourites from Caroline Renard’s response, and you can read her complete list here (I also added a screen grab of her list at the end of this post). 

-Everything is too loud.

-I’m over the QR code menus.

-Why do I have to have an app for Everything?

-Bring back keeping movies in theaters for 3 months.

-Bring back Critical Thinking.

-Bring back Newspapers.

-Turn the damn lights on in the restaurant!

-Bring back actual experts on things.

-Bring back citing your sources and research and reading.

-And this one again. Bring back actual experts and critics on things. One Tik Tok does not make that person an expert. They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about half the time. It just sounds like they do.