Design Days Dubai 2012
Geo (Coffee Table) by Vito Selma presented by Nakkash Gallery (Dubai)
Design Days Dubai is our first ever fair dedicated to design. The fair will be dedicated to collectible and limited edition furniture and objects, presented by a range of international and regional galleries. The pieces on show will be unique, giving visitors a chance to discover a universe of infinite creativity and craftsmanship.
There will also be a series of public talks and workshops, an opportunity for people to share their ideas and their expertise, and engage in an inspirational and constructive exchange.
Design Days Dubai will take place in a purpose built venue at the foot of the Burj Khalifa - so not too shabby.
I am really looking forward to this. I hope this fair will cultivate a sense of fine taste in furniture and objects - something that is sorely lacking in this country.

The Shylight by Design Drift is a lamp hung from the ceiling and hidden in a cocoon; It depicts the natural process by which flowers attract and repel pollen-gathering bees. When the lamp is switched on, it falls out of its ‘cocoon’, opens its petals and floats downward, then closes again when switched off. The lamps are programmable and can be combined with additional Shylights to perform a dance. The result is a poetic luminaire that comes to life.

Croft, Jaehyo Lee - Wood, big cone pine (chair) 95 x 95 x 77 cm
I've included a small selection of images in this post to give you an idea on what to expect at this fair, but I must confess I cannot wait to see Ice Angel by Dominic Harris (from London based Cinimod Studio) which will be presented for the first time during Design Days Dubai fair. Watch the video, you will see why. I'm already practising my moves.
Ice Angel blends the act of youthful playfulness when creating snow angels with modern digital manipulations,making the viewer assume the role of both performer and portrait subject.
As the user moves their arms a new wing shape appears, unfurling from the shoulders, moving and displacing virtual snow. The wings are created dynamically and are linked to the participant. The artwork has a ‘memory’, capturing a hidden view of the participant and their angel wings, and this specific angel identity remains linked to that participant in any future encounters with the artwork.
The merging of angel mythology and the natural phenomenon of light travelling to earth creates an intriguing intersection. In modern terms, light is our messenger, allowing us to view the universe. An angel’s form is inherently human, yet an angel always originates from beyond.
You can find the complete Design Days Dubai 2012 programme here.
Event details
Dates and timings:
Sunday, 18th March 4-10 pm
Monday, 19th March 4-10 pm
Tuesday, 20th March 12-6 pm
Wednesday, 21st March 2-8 pm
Tickets: AED 50 per person (free admission to students upon presentation of ID)
Venue: Downtown Dubai close to Burj Khalifa (location map)