For the Love of Film (Noir) blogathon

Last February, I took part in a blogathon called For the Love of Film hosted by Self-Styled Siren and Ferdy on Film. Its aim was to raise funds for the National Film Preservation Foundation - an independent, nonprofit organization created to rescue endangered films that will not survive without public support. Eighty one bloggers took part and contributed over 100 posts and $30,000 was raised. It was a fun experience for me as I really enjoyed finding some amazing archival footage that I contributed to this blogathon. You can see my entries here.
Self-Styled Siren and Ferdy on Film are hosting another blogathon this year dedicated to Film Noir. For the Love of Film (Noir) blogathon aims to raise funds for the Film Noir Foundation. The donations will be used to restore The Sound of Fury (aka Try and Get Me), directed by Cy Endfield.
From Ferdy on Film,
The film recounts the same story Fritz Lang told in Fury (1936) and was directed by Cy Endfield, who would run afoul of the Hollywood blacklist. Its star, Lloyd Bridges, never had a better role, and Eddie told me that when Jeff and Beau Bridges finally saw the film, they were blown away by his performance. A nitrate print of the film will be restored by the UCLA Film & Television Archive, using a reference print from Martin Scorsese’s personal collection to guide them and fill in any blanks. Paramount Pictures, which now owns the film, has agreed to help fund the restoration, but FNF is going to have to come up with significant funds to get the job done. That’s where we come in.
The blogathon starts on 14th February and will go on till 21st February. I plan to take part and aim to share posts about film noir from the Middle East.
If you want to take part, please contact Self-Styled Siren and Ferdy on Film and send the link to your post to:
Marilyn Ferdinand of Ferdy on Film (email: ferdyonfilms[at]comcast[dot]com) and to Self-Styled Siren (email: campaspe101[at]yahoo[dot]com). They will keeping track of the submissions and will add the links on their blogs.
Make sure you include the donation link on your post,
Check out this film noirtastic trailer made by made by Greg Ferrara to promote the blogathon.