Intangible experiences, arrangements and manoeuvres by Charbel-Joseph H. Boutros and Stéphanie Saadé at Grey Noise

Intangible experiences, arrangements and manoeuvres by Charbel-joseph H. Boutros & Stéphanie Saadé and curated by Amanda Abi Khalil is Grey Noise's latest exhibition opening on Monday, 9th September 2013.

The exhibition at Grey Noise is an adapted format of the exhibition 'We hesitated between arrangements, modulations and manoeuvres' which took place earlier this year in Lebanon. The exhibition's web adress is the longest I've ever seen:

Charbel-joseph H.Boutros and Stéphanie Saadé’s practices converge on their shared negotiation with forms, objects and the nature of the material. For this exhibition, installations, re-enactments, sculptures and objects are traces of performances, phenomena and experiences.

Charbel-joseph H.Boutros’ works are based on performative arrangements that become the work: the traces of impossible manoeuvres that bear witness to the uneasiness of the existential and political reality. H.Boutros also collects phenomena such as darkness, light, sun and sleep among others, he gives volume to intangible experiences granting presence to absence: the works become the custodian of poetic moments.

Stéphanie Saadé’s work encapsulates cultural and psychological experiences, mundane and aesthetic gestures. The Re-Enactment series are reproductions of fallen, unimportant, neglected or disregarded objects, layouts and configurations that access new layers of meaning and reveal traces of personal experiences when exhibited in another context. In that sense her works can be considered as revisiting ‘readymade’. Saadé often intervenes on industrial material and explores new ways of shaping forms; she changes their status and allows them another existence.

Not sure how you collect "phenomena such as darkness, light, sun and sleep" and to be honest with you, I'm not very sure what this exhibition is about. But I do want to check it out to see if more will be revealed when I see these objects in person.

Event details 

Dates: Monday, 9th November - Thursday, 3rd October 2013

Venue: Grey Noise, Unit 24 Alserkal Avenue, Street 8, Al Quoz 1, Exit 43 SZR, Dubai UAE.

Phone: 971.4.3790764