Pecha Kucha Sharjah - Volume 5
The 5th edition of
will take place on Saturday, 10th May at Maraya Art Centre. This edition will include a presentation about the recent Failed Architecture workshop I attended and wrote about here and here. If you are in the neigbourhood, please join us.
If you are not familiar with Pecha Kucha, it follows a 20x20 format which allows each presenter to showcase 20 images – each shown for exactly 20 seconds. This gives the presenter 6 minutes and 40 seconds before switching over to the next participant. Originating in Japan, Pecha Kucha is Japanese for "chatter" and was devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture.
Here's the list of presenters for the upcoming edition:
Abeer Al Hamdaniis an aspiring photographer and currently does photo shoots for abaya designers will be sharing her passion for fashion photography which lead her to set up B.Raw.
Asma Anayat, an avid traveler will speak about her drive to promote the passion and understanding of Geography and Cities and their traditions through teaching people of all ages map reading, geography skills, travel writing, and all that travel photography entails.
Shada El Sayed, Bushra Al Akraa, and Zainab Soriya from Books for Syria, will discuss the importance of education for Syrian children as part of the relief effort in their presentation of the Books For Syria project, which aims to provide educational material for Syrian children impacted by conflict and displacement.
Buckle Up In The Backfounder Lesley Cully will be talking about child safety while driving and giving an overview of her campaign, ongoing since 2012, to bring into action a law that would enforce the use of seatbelts in the back seats of cars.
Zayad Motlib is an interdisciplinary architect, designer, and a researcher working on the intersection of Art, Design, and Technology. In addition to his international professional and academic work, Zayad has also been a curator of several art and architectural exhibitions. Recently he has founded d-NAT (Dubai Network for Art, Architecture, and Technology); a community based network set as a hub for the creative minds to connect, and to promote collaborative work that incorporates Art, Design, and Technology.
Aasha Eapen, an environmentalist activist will discuss how to conserve the environment and the TUNZA Eco Generation networking platform.
Mohanad Hattab an aspiring actor and Viner and well known for his Arabic skits who recently got a taste of what it's like to have his art be appreciated.
Naima Abdelwahed, Hind Mezaina, Chaitanya Krishna Kumar, Yara Ramadan will present findings from a recent workshop Revisting Sharjah's Bank Steet conducted by Amsterdam based research platform Failed Architecture on Sharjah's iconic Bank Street. It will include an overview of the street before its construction and into the near future. Attendees will be invited to share their stories and memories of this iconic part of Sharjah that is soon to be replaced with a low-rise 'historical' quarter.
Reem Saeed, founder of MobiUAE pix – a platform to raise awareness about taking photos with mobile apps – will present the #Sharjah1000 campaign, a social solidarity mission to come together in one month and gather 1000 images of everyone's lifestyle living in Sharjah. Create a beautiful collage of a beautiful emirate.
Tarik Batal and Besma Masri will present the SuperHope campaign, a non-profit organisation that visits children with Cancer at hospitals, sketch their super hero costumes and produce actual costumes for the children. SuperHope is an initiative designed to create awareness for kids fighting real life battles by empowering them through larger than life experiences.
Event details
Date: Saturday, 10th May 2014
Location: Maraya Art Centre, Sharjah (location map)
Time: 8.20pm. It starts on time, so don't be late.
Free entry.