Sikka Art Fair

© Hind Mezaina
Sikka Art Fair located in Bastakiya opened yesterday and will run till 21st March 2011. It's what you would call a 'fringe' art fair that will run parallel to Art Dubai which starts on 16th March 2011.
Initiated by Dubai Culture, Sikka Art Fair will feature artworks by UAE based artists, galleries and institutions - it aims to foster and promote Emirati artistic content creation and establish a platform for these artists to present their works to a wider audience. In addition to the exhibited art, the fair includes a public programme of talks, workshops and tours. Every evening will see an inspiring program of music, theatre and poetry performances.
The word 'sikka' means alleyway and you can still see "Sikka" signs in the old parts of Dubai. Bastakiya is a lovely location to hold this fair as you can wander along the alleyways and windtower houses to discover discover some interesting art that includes installations, video, paintings and photography. (Yours truly is exhibiting a small selection of Polaroids in one of the rooms in House number 16, so if you do go to the fair, please do check it out.)
Bastakiya (image provided by Dubai Culture)
The houses exhibiting the art are open till 7pm and you can enjoy the 'After Dark' programme every night between 7-8pm which will include music, theatre and poetry. Entry to the fair, workshops, tours and the After Dark sessions are free, you can see the full line of the Sikka Art Fair here.
When it gets dark, the alleyways are lit by these great looking light cubes designed by Sven Mueller.

If you are in Dubai, hope you can make the time to go to this fair and enjoy this small and special part of town.
Event details
Sikka Art Fair dates: 12th - 21st March, 10am-8pm. Free entry.
Art in the City has the detailed list of talks, workshops and After Dark programme.
You can follow Sikka Art Fair on Twitter (@SikkaArtFair).