Sky by Philip Bloom

This is a beautiful time lapse video by Philip Bloom (a DoP, director and an editor) filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights. I am a big fan of time lapse video, so to see one made in Dubai that looks this brings a smile to my face.

The video is dedicated to Sky Vasser, from Bloom's blog, "I want to dedicate this film to Sky Vasser, daughter of my friend Vanessa Vasser whom I worked with on Nightshift who died at a tragically young age. I only met her a handful of times but she had enormous personality that I will never forget. My thoughts are with you Vanessa."

I wonder if this is what made Bloom use Clint Mansell's music from 'The Fountain' for this video. It does add a melancholic touch to the video, but hey, there is nothing wrong with melancholy beauty. 

Read all the details behind the shoot on Philip Bloom's blog