The Olympic Games by Casio Kids

Blame it on Olympic fever, but I am in love with Olympiske Leker (The Olympic Games) by Casio Kids and think the hand drawn animated video by Chad Blevins is just adorable.
Behind the commercials, the celebrity focus, logistical stress and economic issues there is something quite beautiful about the concept of the Olympic Games.
If we really are so different, if we have to have those flags and borders, we might as well try to finish all the fighting with some rubber balls, racing around an oval lawn and see who can throw an iron ball attached to a chain the longest. Casio Kids
Watch the video, download the song and sing along (I've included the lyrics with the English translation below). Enjoy.
lengdeløp long distance
hekkeløp hurdle race
maraton marathon
triatlon triathlon
kulestøt shot put
sleggekast hammer throw
diskos discus throw
spydkast javelin throw
sykkelløp cycling
orienteringsløp orienteering
høydehopp high jump
løftes opp lift me up
basketball basketball
baseball baseball
tennisball tennis
samme kall same calling
svømmedrakt swimming suit
samme drakt same suit
i samme land same country
med samme flagg same flag
en OL-ring an olympic ring
en lekegrind a playpen
en utopi utopia
på virkelig for real
en posisjon a position
en prosesjon a procession
en visjon a vision
harmoni harmony
en måneds tid a month’s time
And in case you are interested, Casio Kids launched #casiolympics on Twitter a few days ago. The person that comes up with the best suggestion for a new sport to be included in the Olympics wins their album and a Gullbrød (Golden Bread) chocolate. My vote goes to Space Hopper Racing.