To Do List by Yaniv Fridman and Daniel Luna

To Do List by Yaniv Fridman and Daniel Luna is a video for everyone, doesn't matter where you are from, what you do, how old you are, this really applies to everyone.
To Do List is a personal project about the things we cherish and aspire to do in our every day lives. Hope it inspires you! Yaniv Fridman
It has certainly inspired me.
Here's the full list you can copy. Hopefully, it's a list of things you can do everyday.
- Read more
- Browse less
- Meet more
- Chat less
- Play more
- Work less
- Listen to music while doing nothing else
- Bike more
- Drive less
- Travel more
- Plan less
- Give more
- Keep less
- Write a script
- Take a class
- Make a mess
- And if it doesn't work out, start over
I think this is the most perfect "To Do List".