Warehouse421 - Wednesdays at the Warehouse - February 2016

Last months saw the launch of Wednesdays at the Warehouse at Warehouse421 in Abu Dhabi, a curated program of creative activities and events taking place every other Wednesday. Here's the schedule of events for this month.
Wednesday, 3rd February 2016
Panel Talk: Artist Communities: Nature vs. Nurture
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Rooted in the vision to support emerging artists in the UAE, this panel discussion explores the theories, practices, and pedagogy around the importance of creating an environment that nurtures and develops artists in the UAE, while honoring an artist’s natural tendency to seek out community.
Pradeep Sharma, Rhode Island School of Design
Anais Missakian, Rhode Island School of Design
Jill Hoyle, Tashkeel
Maisa Al Qassimi, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority
Moderated by: Myrna Ayad, Journalist
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Workshop: Family Photographs - An Introduction to Acrylic Transfer Techniques
5.30pm - 7.30pm

Using photocopies of photographs (printed on a laser printer), this workshop will introduce participants to acrylic transfer techniques. Using fluid acrylic mediums they will experiment with direct “wet” and “dry” image transfer techniques.
Participants are encourages to bring several black and white photocopies of their photographs, that have been printed on a laser printer and not on an inkjet printer. The transfer technique will not work on photocopies made on an inkjet printer.
Instructor: Anne Krinsky, Artist
Film screenings - 7.30pm - 9.30pm
And on a Different Note
Directed by Mohammad Shawky Hassan
Egypt | PG | Experimental | 24 minutes | 2015

Domestic scenes filmed in Cairo and New York unfold to a continuous stream of talk shows and onscreen text, at times transcribing the exchanges and at others bringing the viewer into the director’s interior world. The 24-hour news cycle and social media networks supersede national borders, revealing both an existential fatigue in light of world affairs and guarded playfulness at having—through the cinematic process—carved out time shielded from them.
Coming Forth by Day
Directed by Hala Lotfy
Egypt | PG | Drama | 87 minutes | 2013

Those who have fully enjoyed their bodies cannot be submissive. And those who never have? Can they survive the slavery of solitude and impotent acceptance of what they can't change or embrace? This is the everyday story of two women taking care of their sick man.