Andy Wahloo Tent at Meet d3 Music, Musings, DesignHind Mezaina26 June 2015Andy Wahloo Tent at Meet d3, Dubai Design District, Meet d3 2015Comment
Photo Review of Meet d3 DesignHind Mezaina26 June 2015Dubai Design District, Meet d3 2015, Photo Review of Meet d3Comment
Review: Sharjah Biennial 12 - The past, the present, the possible ArtHind Mezaina10 June 2015Review: Sharjah Biennial 12 - The past, The Present, the possibleComment
Last Dance: The Supercut by Klara Tavakoli Goesche FilmHind Mezaina7 June 2015Last Dance: The Supercut by Klara Tavakoli GoescheComment
Alsarah and the Nubatones in Dubai on 15th June 2015 MusicHind Mezaina2 June 2015Alsarah and the Nubatones in Dubai on 15th June 2015 Comment
Cinema Akil - Here Comes the Sun film screenings in June FilmHind Mezaina1 June 2015A4 Space, Alserkal Avenue, Cinema Akil - Here Comes the Sun film screenings in June, DubaiComment
Film and TV Viewing Log - May 2015 FilmHind Mezaina1 June 2015Film and TV Viewing Log 2015, Film and TV Viewing Log - May 2015Comment
Cinema at The Space Film Screenings - June 2015 FilmHind Mezaina31 May 2015Abu Dhabi, Cinema at The Space - June 2015Comment
Badlands Collective Film Screening - Once Upon a Time in America: Extended Director's Cut FilmHind Mezaina29 May 2015Once Upon a Time in America: Extended Director's Cut screening by Badlands CollectiveComment
Nepal Fundraiser Screening - Highway by Deepak Rauniyar FilmHind Mezaina27 May 2015Alserkal Avenue, Cinema Akil, Dubai, Nepal Fundraiser Screening - Highway by Deepak RauniyarComment
Vinyl Launch - Systems for a Score by Fari Bradley and Chris Weaver MusicHind Mezaina19 May 2015Dubai, Khalid Mezaina, Tashkeel, The Vinyl Factory, Vinyl Launch - Systems for a Score by Fari Bradley and Chris WeaverComment
Bjork's DJ set at Tri Angle Records 5th Anniversary Party MusicHind Mezaina19 May 2015Bjork's DJ set at Tri Angle Records 5th Anniversary PartyComment
The Scene Club Film Screening: What We Do In The Shadows FilmHind Mezaina19 May 2015Dubai, Film Screening: What We Do In The Shadows, The Scene ClubComment
Slidefest #16 - 25th May 2015 ArtHind Mezaina18 May 2015Dubai, Gulf Photo Plus, Slidefest #16 - 25th May 2015, PhotographyComment
For the Love of Film - Sins of an Angel FilmHind Mezaina17 May 2015For the Love of Film - Sins of an Angel Comments
For the Love of Film - In search of classic Arab science fiction films FilmHind Mezaina16 May 2015For the Love of Film - In search of classic Arab science fiction films Comments