Dubai Rainstorm

On April 16 we experienced the heaviest rain since 1949 (when climate data started to get recorded in this region). 

Part of me thinks it was nature’s reaction to the global crypto gathering event that was scheduled to happen in Dubai on April 15-16.

An unprecedented event with unprecedented damages across the country - the damage in our home was minimal compared to 1000s across Dubai, Sharjah and other parts of UAE. It will take many more days, and for some weeks, for the city to feel “normal”.

I know the authorities in charge are doing the best they can and there are lots of individual efforts too. Unfortunately, many are still waiting for help. I read earlier this evening that there will be free temporary housing, food and aid for flood-affected residents

I’ve been suffering from a stomach bug from since last week, so I’ve not had the strength to put together images or various links from other websites for this post. But I do want to commend Khaleej Times who really stood out as the news source for the people. You can find their stories in the Emergencies section

The fragmentation of news reporting makes it hard to rely on one source for all updates, but Khaleej Times really stepped up compared to the rest of the English language media in the country. Whilst Dubai Media was posting aestheticised photos of rain in Dubai alongside updates on rescues and clearing up of flooded areas, Khaleej Times was posting human stories, news and updates.

Additionally, some venues in Dubai were very eager to promote events, some the day right after the heavy rain, which felt so out of touch and inconsiderate when many parts of the city are still under water and people are trapped in their homes. It’s ok to reschedule, and if they can’t, to tone down their communications. The bubbles people this town live in is another rant for another time. 

I plan to staying closer to home in the coming days and weeks. I hope everyone is safe and getting the help they need.

Will try to come back to this post and add images+links to articles that stood out for me related to the rainstorm when I feel better.