My Cassette Tape Project

I'm back from Amsterdam and can't wait to share highlights from that trip. But for now, I'd like to invite you to an event taking place in Dubai this weekend on 4th and 5th October.
Remember I wrote about my cassette themed installation for the Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp a couple of weeks ago?
The installation will be open to the public this weekend, 4th-5th October from 4-8pm on both days in Tashkeel Bastakiya (House 10) in Al Fahidi Historic Neighbourhood.
Here's the write up about the installation by Tashkeel:
Photographer/blogger Hind Mezaina takes the viewer on a journey through the history of the cassette tape and its association to Dubai, both on a personal level, growing up in the UAE and obsessively listening to music from the west.
On display will be Hind’s personal collection of cassettes bought through the 1980s and 1990s as a young female teenager and adult living in the UAE. Also on showcase will be a selection of short films on the theme of the cassette tape, and a series of projected images from Hind’s ‘My Dubai’ photographic series.
Come join us this weekend and listen to fun, nostalgic music and get creative by making your very own mixtape. This project was originally commissioned by Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp.
And here's my personal statement about the project:
Cassettes have played an important part of my life when I was growing up in Dubai in the 1970s/80s. There was an amazing selection of cassettes on sale - all pirated copies, but they kept me up to date with the pop music scene. Additionally, I would make my own mixtapes, recording my favourite songs from the radio for me to listen to whenever I like or for friends.
And that's the beauty of cassettes; they are tangible objects that hold memories, whether brought from a music store, or a personal mixtape of music and words.
I am sharing my personal collection of cassettes from the late 1980s till the early 1990s. A record of my music and tastes over the decade.
Below are some images my brother,
took during the Red Bull Music Academy Bass Camp week whilst I was in Amsterdam (
disclosure: my brother works for Tashkeel).
The cassette room

The screening room

The image room - projecting my photos of Dubai

Event details
Date: Friday and Saturday, 4th-5th October from 4.00-8.00pm
Venue: Tashkeel Bastakiya (House 10), in Al Fahidi Historic Neighbourhood. Location map:

[Photos:Khalid Mezaina]